So, I work with the most miserable people that i ever had the misfortune of meeting. They never smile and look like they would rather be retired. Basically we are known as the department where people go before they retire. They are such a miserable lot that it would literally make your head spin. THEY NEVER SMILE!! We actually had to have a meeting to tell people to smile more often! imagine that! A MEETING ON SMILING!! I like to say good morning to people that I see in the office and smile but when I do, they just look at me like I sprouted a second head...maybe it's the use of my brightly colored clothing....or maybe they are not used to seeing someone who looks like they spent more than 3 minutes getting ready for work. Maybe I should just remind them that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. When I'm they're age I want happy wrinkles and not a saggy face from all the frowning! ICK!!!
So I'm going to start a new trend: SMILING!! When someone opens a door for you, the cashier at the supermarket, the barrista at Starbucks: hold your head high, look them in they eyes and give them a smile. Hey! it can either confuse them, or make their day, and in this economy, smiles are free :)