**SIGH** if I had a quarter for every time I heard that phrase, I'd be VERY rich indeed! Let me give you a bit of background....
About four months ago, I decided to do something about my health and get into tip top shape, therefore I hired a personal trainer at my gym. These four months have been life changing! Let me tell you, it was the BEST INVESTMENT EVER! It was also the easiest thing I have ever done in my life. I wasn't obese, but I was bordering on being VERY unhealthy, therefore I decided to stop complaining and actually do something about it. I lost 20 pounds, and with it, all my "fat" clothes, I couldn't even believe I ever wore clothes that big. In the process, I also regained my self-esteem. Now, along the way, a lot of people have commented on my weight loss and how I ever got the motivation to go to the gym...well let me tell you a little secret: Mr. motivation will not come and knock on your door, while you are watching TV and stuffing your face with ice cream!! You will NEVER get motivated that way! Motivation will come once you step on that tread mill and you actually start seeing a difference. Trust me, I was the least motivated person EVER, I complained about the way I looked, but one day I decided ENOUGH!! Shit or get off the pot! No, more complaining for moi!
20 lbs later and I have never felt better. Sure, I changed how I eat, but really, does some one need to eat McDonald's twice a week (or ever for that matter??) Sure once in awhile I'll indulge, I am only human...but after you change your lifestyle you'll notice that you don't even want that Caramel Corretto WITH whip cream from Second Cup, or that steak and cheese sub. I just upped my fruit and veggies intake and let me tell you I AM REAPING the benefits. My skin and hair have never looked better! And I have never had so much energy! It's amazing!
Now on to the motivation part of getting the weight off and staying in shape. Motivation will come when:
1 - you step on the scale for the first time..do you like that number?2 - when you actually get to the gym (or outside) and start moving your behind and realize that you can actually do it - humans are surprisingly strong and sturdy, we won't break if we lift a few weights.
3 - when you realize those pants don't fit any more cause they are just TOO BIG!
4 - when you realize that you can't shop at plus size stores anymore cause everything there is too big (I was on the border of this - i refused to get anything in these stores, but in all other stores, I was taking their biggest size, and forget about the GAP! Now I'm a size 8 at the GAP, a store that is notorious for their small sizing!)
And don't tell me that you are short in cash and can't afford a gym membership. Most gym allow you to pay in monthly installments and that won't break the bank. My brother wasn't working when he was younger and saved up his allowance to pay the monthly fee of $28. 28$!! that's nothing! that's a meal at a restaurant!!
So please, next time you say that you are not motivated, get up off the couch go for a walk, pop in a fitness DVD....i GUARANTEE you the motivation will come, and if it doesn't, email me, and I'll give you all the motivation you need. And if that doesn't help maybe this will, obesity kills, you don't wanna be a statistic do you?? And remember that every journey starts with a single step!
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